Do All Babies Like Rattles?

  • Bell Gum
    $1.05 $1.90
  • Baby Silicone Teethers Training Bed Toy Chew Toys Soft Rubber Rattle Teether

Bestsellers for Baby Rattles

  • Bell Gum
    $1.05 $1.90
  • Baby Silicone Teethers Training Bed Toy Chew Toys Soft Rubber Rattle Teether

Babies have different preferences when it comes to toys, and not all of them enjoy rattles. While some babies may find rattles entertaining and stimulating, others may prefer different types of toys for sensory development and teething relief. It's important to understand that each baby is unique and may have their own preferences when it comes to playtime. This is why it's crucial to observe your baby's reactions to different toys and adjust accordingly. Here are some factors to consider when determining if your baby likes rattles:

Developmental Stage

Babies go through different developmental stages, and their toy preferences can change as they grow. In the early months, babies are still exploring their senses and may enjoy toys that provide visual and auditory stimulation. Rattles can be a great option during this stage as they produce sound and have bright colors that attract the baby's attention. However, as babies reach the later stages of infancy, they may become more interested in toys that allow them to interact and engage with their environment, such as stacking toys or shape sorters. It's also worth noting that as babies develop, they start to understand cause and effect, which can make rattles more appealing because shaking the rattle produces a sound.


For example, a 3-month-old baby may be fascinated by the sound and movement of a rattle, while a 9-month-old baby may prefer toys that encourage problem-solving and fine motor skills. It's also possible that a baby who initially showed no interest in rattles might become more interested as they grow older and their cognitive abilities develop.

Sensory Preferences

Babies have different sensory preferences, and this can influence their toy preferences as well. Some babies may be more sensitive to certain sounds or textures, and may not enjoy the noise produced by rattles. On the other hand, some babies may find the sound and vibration of a rattle soothing and comforting. It's important to observe your baby's reactions to different toys and pay attention to their cues to understand their sensory preferences. Also, keep in mind that babies' sensory preferences can change over time, so a baby who didn't like rattles initially might start to enjoy them later on.


For instance, if your baby becomes fussy or covers their ears when you shake a rattle, it may indicate that they are not fond of the noise. In this case, you can try introducing toys with softer sounds or different textures to see if they prefer those. Alternatively, if your baby seems to enjoy the sound of the rattle but not the texture, you could look for a rattle with a different material or texture.

Personal Preferences

Just like adults, babies have their own personal preferences. Some babies may simply not be interested in rattles and may prefer other types of toys that align with their individual interests. It's important to provide a variety of toys and observe which ones your baby gravitates towards. This will help you understand their personal preferences and provide them with toys that they truly enjoy. Remember, it's not about what you think your baby should like, but about what they actually enjoy and find engaging.


For example, your baby may show more interest in toys that have buttons to press or lights that flash, rather than a traditional rattle. By paying attention to their preferences, you can ensure that they have a positive and engaging playtime experience. This also helps in their overall development as they learn and grow through play.

Teething Stage

Teething is a significant milestone in a baby's development, and it can greatly influence their toy preferences. During this stage, babies experience discomfort and pain in their gums, and they often seek relief by chewing on objects. Teething toys, such as silicone teethers, can be more appealing to babies during this time as they provide soothing relief for their sore gums. It's also worth noting that some rattles are designed with teething babies in mind and have parts that are safe and comfortable for babies to chew on.


If your baby is going through the teething stage, they may show more interest in teething toys rather than rattles. These toys are specifically designed to provide comfort and relief during this challenging time. However, if your baby still shows interest in rattles, you might want to consider getting a rattle that also functions as a teether.

Individual Differences

It's important to remember that every baby is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. While some babies may enjoy rattles, others may not find them as engaging or interesting. It's essential to observe your baby's reactions and preferences to determine what types of toys they enjoy the most. Also, keep in mind that it's perfectly okay if your baby doesn't like the same toys as other babies. What matters most is that they are happy and engaged during playtime.


For instance, your friend's baby may love rattles and spend hours playing with them, while your own baby may show little interest. This is completely normal and doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with your baby. They simply have different preferences and interests. So, don't worry if your baby doesn't seem to like rattles as much as other babies do.

If you're looking to buy toys for your baby, Wish offers a wide range of affordable and budget-friendly options. Whether you're looking for rattles, teething toys, or other developmental toys, Wish has a variety of products to choose from. You can browse through the Wish website or mobile app to explore the different options available and find the perfect toys for your baby's preferences and developmental needs. Wish connects millions of customers to merchants globally, providing a marketplace for a huge variety of affordable and cheap products. So, no matter what your baby's preferences are, you're sure to find something they'll love on Wish.

Wish Buying Guide

Bell Gum

Bell Gum is a multi-functional ring gum that is not only practical, but also bright and colorful. It has bells which exercise a baby's hearing power and is made of safe and reliable food-grade silicone material. It has good flexibility with a size that fits into any baby's mouth.

Why People Love This
  • Long-lasting flavor makes Bell Gum a favorite among users.
  • People love the sugar-free aspect of this gum, making it a healthier choice.
  • The gum's vivid and unique flavors are highly appreciated by customers.
  • Users appreciate the convenient packaging, which is easy to carry around.
  • Bell Gum is praised for its ability to freshen breath instantly.
  • The product has been commended for its affordability.
  • Customers enjoy the soft texture, which does not harden over time.

Baby Silicone Teethers Training Bed Toy Chew Toys Soft Rubber Rattle Teether

This product is a baby silicone teethers training bed toy chew toys soft rubber rattle teether.

These Baby Silicone Teethers Training Bed Toy Chew Toys Soft Rubber Rattle Teethers offer a safe and fun way to help your child learn about different shapes, colors, and textures. They are made of soft silicone and have no sharp edges, making them safe for even the youngest of babies. With age ranges from birth to 24 months all the way up to 14 years old, these toys will grow with your child as they develop their motor skills. The toy includes five animals that can be used to teach children about nature in a playful manner. All in all, this product offers an enjoyable learning experience for your little one!

Why People Love This
  • Soft Rubber Material: The teether is made of soft rubber, making it gentle on baby's gums and safe for them to chew on.
  • Training Bed Toy: This product doubles as a training bed toy, providing both fun and functionality.
  • Easy to Hold: The design of the teether makes it easy for little hands to grip, encouraging independent play.
  • Durable: Despite its softness, the teether is highly durable and can withstand strong bites from even the most persistent of teething babies.
  • Rattle Feature: The built-in rattle feature adds an extra element of entertainment for babies, keeping them engaged and happy.
  • Easy to Clean: Parents appreciate how easy this teether is to clean - a crucial factor when dealing with baby products.
  • Helps with Teething Pain: Most importantly, this product effectively soothes teething pain, providing relief for both babies and parents.

Top Questions for Baby Rattles