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Concealer, Beauty, Waterproof, Acne
Standard shipping
Mar 11–28
Items are sold and shipped by Tl06
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Customer Reviews

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Ok so the package came a week early which was great but I tried 4 of them, (2 small and 2 large) overnight and they didn’t do anything. I definitely put them on the right way because they are only sticky on one side. I even looked them up again to follow the directions and everything. Really disappointed :/ UPDATE: 10/9/2019 Ok so I decided to give these boys another go since I bought so many (72pcs), this time keeping them on for about 20 hours straight instead of just overnight. They actually seemed to help the goop get to the surface and come out but only if you could already see a whitehead starting to form. They did make the extraction process much easier because you just take off the patch and all you have to do is squeeze gently to remove the goop completely. I have finally settled on giving this product 4 stars because it does actually help the pimple to heal faster but does not attract all the goop out of the pore when you lift the patch away.
about 5 years ago
Looks good. Double plastic protected, like that. Still to try
about 5 years ago
when I bought this product I sure couldn’t give a positive nor a negative review until I used it , i did use it and this does work on skin tags inside a week I did notice a change
about 5 years ago
about 5 years ago
about 5 years ago


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Description: Feature: Protects wounded or troubled area from getting worse and maintains humidity of skin to prevent further breakouts. Hydrocolloid type. different sizes : Approx. 8mm x 24ea + 12mm x 12ea Acts as a protective cover Absorbs pus and oil Non-drying Drug Free Hydrocolloid Patch Protecting Wounded Skin Hydrocolloid prevents secondary infection by blocking micro dust and germs. It also quickens recovery by absorbing exudation of wound. It minimizes scar of wound by fostering moist environment and protects wounded area. Low Stimulus Moist Dressing Hydrocolloid dressing enables fine ventilation of wound and enhances care effect. Minimizes skin irritation and you can use the patch anywhere anytime since it is clear and not conspicuous. Emergency Care, Intense Care and Multi Care Right after the wound is made, after extruding sebum, emergency care for trouble, when covering skin trouble, right after burning moles, and so on. You can use patch any time. Various sizes of 7mm, 10mm, 12mm enables proper use of patch according to size of wound. Quasi Drugs (Protection of wounded Skin) It is certified by FDA to be quasi drug for protection of wound. It can be used by anyone from teenagers to adults. It makes clean environment for wounded skins and prevents secondary infection. How to Use 1. Cleanse the area around problem spot. 2. Select a bigger size patch than the problem spot and attach the patch to the spot. Ingredients:Hydrocolloid Specifications: tem Type: Acne Patch Material: Hydrocolloid Quantity: 1 SET As your choice Size: Approx. 8mm x 24ea + 12mm x 12ea Package Included: 1Bag of Acne Patch

Reference Price by Seller

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A reference price is provided by the seller of the item (tl06). Percentage off and savings amounts are based on the seller's reference price. Sellers are not required to provide a reference price, but if they do, it should be (a) the Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) or similar List Price of the product; or (b) the price at which the item has been recently offered for sale and for a reasonable period of time. The reference price can give you an indication of the value of the product butsome stores may sell the item for less than the reference price. If you feel a reference price is inaccurate or misleading please report it with the URL for the listing to report-abuse@wish.com

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