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Toy, doll, seashell, purses


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Make a big splash with the Polly Pocket Style & Sparkle Mermaid Pack! Get the splashy fun started with micro Polly and Lila dolls and 2 mermaid friends, a wearable Tiny Power Seashell purse compact, a Pocket World Surf 'n' Sandventure compact, 4 Tiny Takeaways pieces, 2 necklace cords, a boat, submarine, 2 jet skis, tiki bar, 4 floaties and more! It's an amazing adventure under-the-sea and on the water! Shaped like a seashell, the adorable Tiny Power Seashell purse compact opens to an exciting under-the-sea mermaid adventure with fun interactive activities: the surfboard rocks on the wave; dolls can sway on the anchor (clip doll in); they can sit on the seahorse and spin 360 degrees; swing on the seashell swing; ride in the boat; find a pearl; ride in the octopus' arms (clip doll in) and spin it 360 degrees and more! Seashell compact has a strap so kids can wear it as a purse or it can transform it into a fanny pack with a belt!

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