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art, paintpen, Glass, Ceramic
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Gute Farbe, gute Haltbarkeit, schicke Stifte
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Kevesebb mutatása
PREMIUM QUALITY & ELEGANT DESIGN. Paint Pens utilize vivid, water-based ink that dries quickly to produce a very durable opaque and glossy finish on light and dark surfaces. MULTI-PURPOSE. Enjoy creating art projects on a variety of surfaces like rocks, stone, metal, pottery, treated smooth wood, plastic, terra-cotta, polymer clay, and more! GREAT FOR DETAILING.0.7mm extra-fine tip for drawing, fine line work & detailed DIY projects. Create stunning art for The Kindness Rocks Project, custom mugs and other personalized gifts for your loved ones. NON-TOXIC, NO ODOR. Conforms to ASTM D-4236. Ideal for artists & art students, teenagers & adults. GREAT GIFT IDEA-We believe these rock paint pens will be a fantastic present for your sister,brother, daughter,granddaughter,son,kids,wife or for those painted rock lover for Christmas,Birthday,Mother's Day,Easter Day, Valentine's Day,Thanksgiving Day,Party,New Year's gift etc.This super & thoughtful rock painting kit will make a perfect & useful gift. Enjoy painting? Make your masterpiece by these paint pens! Esonstyle Acrylic Paint Markers will give your projects more creativity and variety. They makes painting a lot of fun. You can use them to paint, write or add embellishment to various art projects. Note: 1. These marker pens easy soap and water cleanup when wet or after a few hours of applying. 2. Let it dry for a day for permanent results. 3. For a permanent result on glass, porcelain and ceramics, projects should be baked. 4. Although nontoxic, do not put paint in contact with food. 5. Store horizontally if don't use it. 6. The pens are resistant to water, fading, and abrasion. Start designing and painting stunning pieces of art with comfort and ease! Unique Reversible Tips Included: Each pen with 0.7mm reversible fiber tip that offers a smooth application. This acrylic paint markers set fits for drawing line work. Permanent Acrylic Paint Pens: Use acrylic-based paint ink to keep permanent on most surfaces. Fits for indoor and outdoor use. Using Steps: 1. Shake The Marker for Several Times. 2. Remove the cap carefully to avoid paint spill. 3. Gently Press The Tip Up And Down To Pump The Ink To The Nib. 4. It's recommended you test the ink on a piece of paper first before starting your project to ensure the ink runs smoothly. 5. Once the ink starts flowing, you are ready to start your project. Marker Pens Details Medium tip: 0.7mm Acrylic ink: Waster-Based Available in Colors:12, 15, 18, 24, 28 Colors Notice: Remember to cover the cap right after use in case of the ink drying. If the paint do not flow very well, please use clean water to wash the pen tip, then wipe it. Tips: Not For Children Under The Age Of 3.C Children Should Be Accompanied by adult To Use It Properly.P lease Remember To Cover The Cap After Use To Prevent The Ink From Drying. If The Paint Does Not Flow Well, Use Clean Water To Wash The Tip Of The Pen And Wipe Thoroughly. Acrylic Paint Pens Wide Usage: Work on various surfaces including canvas, metal, pottery, wood, plastic, ceramic, glass, porcelain, resin, paper, leather, watercolor paper, poster board and etc. Create Tons of DIY Artworks: Widely Used for making beautiful personalized gifts, such as decorative mugs for birthday, Valentine's Day, anniversaries, Christmas, Thanksgiving and other memorable holidays. You will love these vivid colours!

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Mutass többet
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Akril festőtollak, 12-28 színű készlet, 0,7 mm-es, rendkívül finom hegyű festékjelzők Vízalapú toll sziklafestéshez, kő, vászon, üveg, kerámia, fa, fém, műanyag, scrapbook, iskolai projekt

1 termékértékelés
Átalányárra jogosult
4 kamatmentes, 3,50 USD összegű részlet ezzel: vagy
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2,99 USD
-ért, ha 10 USD összeget költesz az arra jogosult termékekre Becsült szállítás: ápr. 3.–23
Normál szállítás
ápr. 3.–23
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30 napos termékvisszaküldés
30 napos termékvisszaküldés
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Az ügyfélszolgálat egyszerű elérése
Biztonságos, rugalmas fizetési lehetőségek
Biztonságos, rugalmas fizetési lehetőségek
További információk
A termékek értékesítője és szállítója: jiafen

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