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Army, waypirate, Hunting, skull

Customer Reviews

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As described. Even came in its own case!!
about a year ago


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Material: Metal Alloy Size: 40×3mm/1.6×0.12inch Weight:31g/0.06lb Design: US Army Ranger Collection Badge What you Get:1 x Coin;1 x Case Challenge Coins make the perfect collectible gift for Veterans. Store them in a collector's display case or carry it with you for a challenge coin check! EXQUISITE CRAFTSMANSHIP – These coins are die-struck, filled with bold enamel colors, and polished for a look you'll be proud to showcase. Coin Capsules is easy to identify: Transparent coin box is very convenient to view and exchange the coins.Made of high-transparent and thickened plastic material, dust-proof and oxidation-resisting for coin collectors to store and protect your favorite coins.

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