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Home & Kitchen, sewingpin, Home & Living, embroideryneedle

Customer Reviews

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They look like what I needed
about 4 years ago
about 4 years ago
Os produtos chegaram em perfeito estado e com 45 dias antes do prazo.Parabéns WISH
about 4 years ago


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Shape: one side is flat and one side is ball with the needle shank. 1.This needle is Domestic Sewing Machine Needles 20pcs,it also used for old domestic sewing machine. 2.These sewing machine needles are universal equal to 130/705H, HAx1 or 15x1 type, the shank is flat one side and round the other. 3.Compatible with almost all brand home sewing machines such as Singer, Pfaff, Bernina, Brother, Janome, Toyota and China brand,itc. Package include:20pcs/lot

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