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Heavy, run, fence, Pets

Customer Reviews

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Arrived ontime and great but their not exactly 4 by 4 by 4 like it says
about 4 years ago
Love it works great for other animals also
about 3 years ago
Bat and
I was able to set this up by myself with no help. I’m not too sure how the roof support bars are supposed to work... but the whole kennel is supported without them so that’s all that matters.
about 5 years ago
Got it today, love it
about 6 years ago
Great for the price! Easy set-up and no tools required. Unfortunately one of the pieces came bent, so I have to get someone to fix it.
about 6 years ago


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Your pupper deserves a place of his own that can keep him out of the elements while also giving him a sense of security. Give them the Lucky Dog Uptown Welded Wire Kennel and look forward to more tail wagging! This kennel is made of heavy-duty steel so that it can continue to be the perfect home for your companion for years to come. Man's best friend can stay dry and cool under the fully enclosed waterproof tarp cover. Pre-assembled panels keep setup time to a minimum so you can enjoy your furry friend's company even more. When it's time to clean up, just hose down the floor or sweep everything up under the 1.5 inch raised legs. Give your dog the best home sweet home. Give them the Lucky Dog Uptown Welded Wire Kennel.

Reference Price by Seller

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A reference price is provided by the seller of the item (vminnovations). Percentage off and savings amounts are based on the seller's reference price. Sellers are not required to provide a reference price, but if they do, it should be (a) the Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) or similar List Price of the product; or (b) the price at which the item has been recently offered for sale and for a reasonable period of time. The reference price can give you an indication of the value of the product butsome stores may sell the item for less than the reference price. If you feel a reference price is inaccurate or misleading please report it with the URL for the listing to

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