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Steel, actualcombatkatana, katana, katanasword

Customer Reviews

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It says it's been delivered but all I got was a letter from the couriers saying there will be a delay of delivery 30 to 60 days due to issues of the product still waiting on sword to arrive ok update sword finally arrived just had to have a fight with Royal Mail as they had it left a card and signed it off as delivered when they still had it but I made them find it and redeliver it
about 4 years ago
I didn't get this item.
about 4 years ago
Good 👍
about 2 years ago


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100% pure hand forging. 100% high quality brand new. Traditional forging method: tempering, manual grinding in 18 processes. Sword: Can be completely disassembled and assembled. Sharp, high hardness. Katana Length: 41 inches / 104 cm Katana blade length: 28 inches / 72 cm Katana blade material: 1095 steel. Other katana materials are as follows tsuba: zinc alloy menuki: zinc alloy kashira: zinc alloy fuchi: zinc alloy Knife cluster: pure copper Feather: zinc alloy Handle: branch Scabbard: solid wood paint All data of the samurai sword are measured manually, please allow a slight error Packaging includes: Japanese samurai sword, samurai sword bag Excludes sword stand. LQBJ is a famous authentic hand-forged sword company. We are experts specializing in forging Japanese samurai swords by hand. We come from Longquan, a beautiful city in China. China's Longquan has a long history of making swords. Our sword making technology is a national intangible cultural heritage. We provide a full range of Katana, Wakizashi, Tanto swords and other sword accessories. LQBJ's swords are all handmade by traditional skilled swordsmen. In the past ten years, LQBJ has been committed to manufacturing the highest quality swords. This makes us one of the best-selling swordsmen in the industry. We believe in satisfying customers and providing them with the best swords at reasonable prices.

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A reference price is provided by the seller of the item (wuweilianshop). Percentage off and savings amounts are based on the seller's reference price. Sellers are not required to provide a reference price, but if they do, it should be (a) the Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) or similar List Price of the product; or (b) the price at which the item has been recently offered for sale and for a reasonable period of time. The reference price can give you an indication of the value of the product butsome stores may sell the item for less than the reference price. If you feel a reference price is inaccurate or misleading please report it with the URL for the listing to
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