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bin, Seasonal, playroom, lidded


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Organize the closet, office, classroom, craft supplies, or playroom, putting everything in its proper place with the help of Sterilite Large Clear Plastic Storage Container Tote with Latching Lid. This 18-pack of durable storage tote is ideal for storing magazines, craft books, school supplies, or longer craft items safely in your home, classroom, or office. They can also be used for construction paper, felt, coloring books, and more. Whether you're safely storing and organizing standard 8.5 x 11-inch notebooks, paper dolls, newspaper clippings, or knick-knacks, you can easily identify contents from the outside thanks to the clear plastic design. Indexed lids allow multiple boxes to be stacked securely maximizing vertical spacing. Durable and built for long-term storage, you can rest assured your items will remain safe from dust, dirt, or debris, even when stored unfinished basements, garages, or exterior storage rooms. Enjoy the peace-of-mind organization can bring to your home with the 18-Pack of Large Clear Plastic Storage Container Tote with Latching Lid from Sterilite.

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