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Grip, Gun Accessories, buttstock, glock


Products Specifications: Brand new Color: Tan/Black Type: Stock& Forend Parts Slide-on replacement for original collapsible butt stock. Angled non-slip rubberized buttpad allows faster presentation, even with body armor. Quick Detach Sling mounting point is positioned for optimum usage including ambidextrous users Upper section provides enhanced cheek weld Package Included: 1x Stock

Reference Price by Seller

A reference price is provided by the seller of the item (tacticalchina). Percentage off and savings amounts are based on the seller's reference price. Sellers are not required to provide a reference price, but if they do, it should be (a) the Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price (MSRP) or similar List Price of the product; or (b) the price at which the item has been recently offered for sale and for a reasonable period of time. The reference price can give you an indication of the value of the product butsome stores may sell the item for less than the reference price. If you feel a reference price is inaccurate or misleading please report it with the URL for the listing to
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when you spend $10 on eligible items Estimated delivery: Mar 9–23
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Mar 9–23
商品の販売・配送元: Tactical China
