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carlinkit, androidcarplay, carplaydongle, carplay

Огляди клієнтів

Doesn’t stay on. Doesn’t work. Junk
приблизно рік тому
Item did not work have tried multiple times to connect with no success. Would like a refund
приблизно рік тому
Exactement comme décrit.
приблизно рік тому


Показати менше
Features: 1. wired/wireless android auto 2. Wired/Wireless Car Play 3. Wired mirror connection 4. Wired Airplay 5. Voice Control: Support Siri/Music/Maps/Phone/Messages/Audiobooks. The Siri feature will help you call Rose or any of your friends. Please note that the speed of our device depends on the IOS speed of your phone. 6. Touch screen and HD display: Use the USB cable for directional control and phone viewing on the car's navigation screen. 7. Hands-free and safe driving: Make/receive calls, view voicemails, text messages and display maps. Listen to your favorite songs hands-free using iTunes, Apple Music, or installed apps. 8. The product supports firmware upgrade and one year warranty Supported car/mobile phone types: 1. Car machine: This product only supports car units with Android 4.2 or higher system in the aftermarket, and does not support original screen cars. 2. Please install APK before purchasing; if it install failed,this product will not supports the car. 2. Mobile phone: iPhone with iOS (7.1 and later) Android phone (5.1 and above) 3. Note: If you want to use wireless Android auto, then you need to check if your phone supports: 1). Compatible Android phone with a valid data plan, 5 GHz Wi-Fi support, and the latest version of the Android Auto app. 2). Any phone running Android 11.0 3). Google or Samsung phone with Android 10.0 4). Samsung Galaxy S8, Galaxy S8+ or Note 8 with Android 9.0 To find out if your phone supports 5 GHz Wi-Fi, please contact your manufacturer. In the EU, to use 5 GHz Wi-Fi in your car, your smartphone must meet additional regulatory requirements. On Google smartphones, Pixel 3 and later meet this requirement.

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