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combatknive, hiddenblade, Blade, otfknife

Customer Reviews

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Handel made of plastic!! Supposed to be aluminium.this was a refund purchase.border siezure.previous knife was same dimensions but benchmade with wood handel.i will go back but sure it sposed to be metal.i dont buy if plastic
about 5 years ago
The handle of the OTF knife is made of cheap plastic not aluminium like it say in the ad that just a lie the blade just flops from side to side if you tried to stab something with this knife you would more than likely hurt yourself the blade is so thin the really small throwing knives are ok
about 5 years ago
Spring is a little weak very sharp and it came in a fancy little box
about 5 years ago
Very poor quality. Blade very flimsy. Broke after two weeks.
about 5 years ago
I was very pleased when I received these items. It was actually more satisfying than I had first thought when I purchased the item. Of course I love the OTF knife, but the throwing knives added a very significant addition to the enjoyment of this set. Thank you so much for providing this item for sale on WISH.
about 4 years ago


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-One OTF Knife and Two Throwing Knives Set -The OTF Double Action Knife with 4" Blade and 8.8" Overall , Out-the-Front Assisted Opening Knife for fast and easy opening , Aluminum handle makes it lightweight and durable, Pocket clip makes it easy to carry or attach to things as needed AND Glass Breaker . -3 Style Ninja Fight Throwing Knives

Reference Price by Seller

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