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fortunetelling, runeset, tarotdeck, Playing Cards

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Kevesebb mutatása
What Is The Witch - Runes are a modern variation of historical runes with pictograms that represent gods, goddesses, and symbol familiar to modern witches. Set Content - The set includes 1 cardboard box, 14 rune cards, instruction manual.In order not to damage the card deck, it is put in an extra box. Full of Colors - Vivid colors thanks to its unique design. It can be preferred as a gift. The Scandinavian rune game is a good help for personal growth. They can increase self-confidence and self-respect and also deliver from certain mental disorders. They are sometimes used to communicate with disappeared beings (great experience necessary). Learning to read, draw, meaning, and interpretation of this metaphysical object is accessible to all. Card Size - 3.93 x 2.75 inch Thanks to its size, you can take it anywhere you want. Witch's Runes Regin Witch's Runes contains 14 wooden runes. Black Rune is a modern addition to this set. Witch's Runes is very easy to use. Rune Instruction Manual. The set includes 1 cardboard box, 14 rune cards, instruction manual. Quality Card Deck Runes are a modern variation of historical runes with pictograms that represent gods, goddesses, and symbol familiar to modern witches. Rune Box In order not to damage the card deck, it is put in an extra box. What Are Runes? The word ‘rune’ simply means mystery, whisper or secret and it’s a form of divination or oracle reading system that’s used to help gain insight into situations or questions. Runes can be made of various materials, but are most commonly made of stone, and feature a symbol from the runic alphabet on them. There are various different types of runic alphabets used on runes, with one of the oldest ones being the old Germanic runic alphabet known as ‘Elder Futhark’. The Elder Futhark contains 24 runes, the first six of which spell out the word ‘futhark’. Over time this was adapted and in order to use it to write in Anglo-Saxon or Old English, a number of other runes were added to the alphabet, bringing it up to 33. This is known as the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc. Another adaptation is the Younger, or Scandinavian, Futhark, which is believed to have been used in Scandinavia until the 17th century. All of these variations highlight changes that were made as people moved and emigrated to different countries. As well as each rune symbol being a letter of the alphabet, they also have symbolic meanings too. Although many of these date back to traditional meanings, which would have meant a lot to the people using the runic alphabet, the intention behind the symbols still has relevance today. (Black Rune is a modern addition to this set.)

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A termékek értékesítője és szállítója: TheDarknessUnicorn