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pendisplay, ipspanel, Monitors, digitalpentabletmonitor


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At a Glance Featuring the most advanced Huion Digitizer technology, this GT-220 is designed for both beginners and professionals in the digital arts. With its HD resolution and a widescreen aspect ratio, the Huion GT-220 enables you to enjoy a better visual experience during your work. You can draw on the screen directly with the stylus that comes with the monitor, which makes it more convenient for you to show your creativity. Also, the monitor stand is adjustable, this allows you to find your most comfortable working position. Contents What's in the original box: 1. Huion GT-220 Tablet Monitor 2. Graphic Stylus 3. Pen Holder (4 Spare Pen Nibs and 1 Removal Ring Included) 4. USB Cable for the Rechargeable Stylus 5. VGA Cable 6. HDMI Cable 7. Power Adapter 8. USB Cable

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