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cute, Toy, Подарунки, doll
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1. Doll: Pink cute mouth, hand painted eyes and eyelashes, hand painted fingertips and toes. It looks really lifelike, with the newborn coming to life from her delicate face to her tiny feet. 2. Structure: The whole body is made of silicone material, which is safe and nontoxic; the doll is very soft, the doll's limbs can move, can sit or lie down, can enter the water, can't stand, can't speak. 3. Perfect Size: 12in/30.48cm tall, this doll is easy for toddlers to hold, carry and play with. It is suitable for novice parents to learn some parenting habits and help children develop self reliance. 4. Best Friend For Your Baby: This pretty girl doll has a big smile and cute eyelashes. It helps all children create a world of fun, imagination and creativity. 5. Ideal Gift: Dolls are ideal Christmas gifts, birthday gifts, New Year gifts and holiday gifts for children. They help children develop a supportive and kind character and their creativity and imagination. Specification: Item Type:   Baby Doll Material: Silicone Size: Approx. 12in/30.48cm Appropriate Age: 3 years old + How to Use: Washing instructions: 1.Please try to avoid pulling, pulling or brushing the doll's hair too hard, as this may pull the hair. When you wash and clean your doll's hair, you can use a leave in conditioner with a stain remover to shape the doll's hairstyle. When washing is required, it is sufficient to rinse the doll with a very small amount of baby shampoo under warm water. 2. Just wipe the doll clean with one or two drops of soap. Once you've blow dried it, you should wipe off any excess moisture with a breathable towel. If left unwashed, water can easily damage an otherwise perfect   doll Storage instructions: 1. Please do not store dolls directly in the sun, this will eventually cause them to fade. In general, it is best to store   dolls in the shade away from open   vents. Package List: 1 x   Baby Doll1 x Bottle 1 x Pacifier

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